Pricing: Sessions & Certified Trainings

Individual or group healing session
Tune&Heal - Cell Resonance Therapy method is a comprehensive approach based on physics law and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practices such as acupuncture or reflexology points. The CRT includes these healing methodologies while infusing natural sound vibration via tuning forks or voice (no needles). Many CRT techniques can be used to treat various ailments. All CRT sessions are practical for the relief of stress, tension, anxiety, aches, or physical and mental fatigue. They balance energy centers, unblock meridians/chakras, and eliminate spine and muscle pain. They work for anti-aging (DNA repair) and weight loss, changing your diet for individual Yin-Yang energy-balanced meals. They are beneficial as complementary treatments for oncologic (* CRT anticancer technique) or psychological problems (*CRT OM 136,1Hz, CG technique, and more), clearing the mind and bringing hope and joy. Sometimes, the sessions also include hypnosis if there is an indication.
The initial sessions, each uniquely tailored to your specific needs, are usually 90 minutes long and focused on every aspect of your much-deserving body, mind, and spirit. The first visit, including a voice, TCM energy, and body test, gives the information to direct the healing process and use appropriate frequencies. 

1. Cell Resonance Therapy (CRT), BioResonance Scan + Therapy or/and Hypnosis session  $180/60min., $150/45 min. or $250/90min.
2. BioResonance Body Diagnosis - Scan and Therapy/Cells Repair $250/90min.
Please do not eat or drink anything besides water 2 hours before the BioResonance session. After the session, drink at least 500ml /16oz of water and again after 1-2 hours.
To SCHEDULE APPOINTMENT at the Tune&Heal Center located at 77804 Wildcat Dr, Palm Desert, CA 92211, email us at, or text/call +1 619 534 4088 (cash/checks preferable, credit cards fee 2.99 % ).

Scan the code below to buy your first session of 90 minutes (estimate, scan +therapy)
$259 (includes fees)
3. Certified Training Course TUNE & HEAL - Cellular Resonance Therapy (CRT) - simple techniques for healing the Body-Mind-Spirit with sound.
Four Stage Training, Practice and Diploma (European Accreditation).
After completing the entire 4-part Training Course, practitioners receive a Certified Cellular Resonance Therapy Practitioner Certificate based on and approved by the European Union Educational System. This accreditation of the "Cellular Resonance Therapy" (CRT) method operating on the cellular level is healing people worldwide. Training consists of four stages: fundamentals, practice, and theory. These are typically broken down into two meetings completed within one year (experience needed to meet the exam requirements).
Our training course involves three areas: fundamentals, practice, and theory, all infused with one goal: healing ourselves and others. The method is intended to help with mental, emotional, physical, and psychological problems. In addition, our Tune&Heal mission emphasizes and helps guide our premise that every human should take responsibility for their own life.
Thanks to the transformative potential of the CRT method, supported by healing vibrations, everyone can activate their self-healing powers. Recent findings in these new alternative therapies, built upon millennia of Traditional Chinese Medicine knowledge, are embracing sound as the next leap in quantum physics and human development. When all three spheres of body, mind, and soul are in balance, consciousness expands, and life goals become achievable.

► ►►  Sign up for Cell Resonance Therapy Certified Training Course 

Notice, that you can also start just from one the most important technique of Cell Resonance Therapy TRAINING program - Cleaning & Regulating:

This is an excellent and the most important Tune & Heal Cell Resonance Therapy technique. It acts simultaneously on the body, mind, and spirit of both, the client and the practitioner. After its execution, the other MDK techniques that follow it bring almost 50% more positive results than without it. This technique is cardinal in cleansing the physical body of toxins while calming, relaxing, and balancing the energy in the body, removing blockages and stagnation. 

79 USD